Cookie policy

Cookies are small size text strings that a website can send to your device (personal computer, notebook, smartphone, tablet; they are usually stored directly on the browser used for navigation) while browsing. The same website can read and record the cookies that are on the same device to obtain various types of information. Which ones? For each type of cookie there is a specific role.
There are two main basic categories with different characteristics: cookies technical and cookies profiling.

Cookies technical are generally required for the proper functioning of the website and to allow navigation; without them you may not be able to properly display pages or to use certain services. For example, a cookie technical is essential to keep the user connected throughout the visit to a website or to save the language setting, visualization, and so on.

Cookies profiling have the task of profiling the user and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user during his navigation.

List of cookies technical’s categories used on this website, aimed to ensure its proper operation, for the use of which the law does not require any prior consent from the user:

  • navigation cookies (session cookies): ensure the normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to authenticate to access restricted areas or easily fill a form) and are deleted automatically when you close your browser;
  • functionality cookies: allow the user navigation according to a set of selected criteria in order to improve the given service and have a maximum duration of 1 year.

List of cookies technical used on this website:

PHPSESSIDIt keeps track of the work session by sending the same session identifier to the server for each request.Session cookie: it is deleted when the browser is closed.
cmplz_They are a category of technical cookies used to manage the display of the banner for the cookie consent settings by the user.1 year

List of third-party cookies used on this website and links to related opt-out modules and privacy policy, for the use of which is required prior consent from the user:

CookiePurposePolicy e Opt Out
Google Maps cookies (all cookies from the domain These cookies are used by Google to store preferences and user information each time users visit web pages containing Google Maps. These cookies contain sufficient information to allow tracking. Cookie PolicyOpt Out
3B Meteo cookies (all cookies from the domain 3B Meteo guarantees that any cookies downloaded through its widgets available in other sites regard analytical cookies of Google Analytics collected anonymously, as well as technical cookies necessary for the widget to function correctly.Cookie PolicyOpt Out

Here is where you can learn how to deactivate cookies with the most known browsers:

The data controller is Mr Battiston Simone, via Serenissima n. 18, 30021 Caorle (VE) – Italy.
For any information regarding the methods and purposes of processing, as well as the exercise of your rights, read our Privacy Policy carefully.
We invite you to regularly view this Cookie Policy to review any changes.